As a recognized authority on terrorism, Dr. Harvey Kushner has advised elected officials, military personnel, and foreign governments as well as trained federal agencies from the DHS to the FBI, to name a few. He also worked for to the U.S. Probation Department as an analyst for criminal investigations, intelligence and terrorism. Kushner’s private sector clients have ranged from chemical and petrol manufacturers to multi-national financial institutions.
A much sought after keynote speaker, Kushner has given speeches across America, Europe, and Asia, addressing such diverse audiences as the FBI Academy in Quantico, Virginia; the Leadership Institute in Arlington, Virginia; U.S. Army Special Operations Command, Fort Bragg, North Carolina; the Chief of Naval Operation's Strategic Studies Group, Newport Navy Base, Rhode Island; the United Nations Office at Vienna, Austria; and the National Security Bureau, Warsaw, Poland. His university speaking tours have been varied as well, including the University of Warsaw, University of Virginia, University of Colorado,
Mount Holyoke College, Southern Arkansas University Tech, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Lehman College, New York University, Lawrence University, Texas A & M University, among others.
Kushner is recognized as one of the first terrorism experts to have warned about a secret terror network operating in the United States. In a 1991 law enforcement seminar sponsored by the FBI, he described in eerie detail how terrorists connected to a worldwide jihadist movement would soon attack the home front. In a briefing to federal agents in 1998, he warned of another attack on the World Trade Center.
Kushner has experience with some of the most important court cases involving international terrorism. He wrote the expert’s report for a successful multimillion-dollar civil litigation arising out of the 1993 bombing of the World Trade Center. He served as an expert during the U.S. Embassy bombing trial (U.S. vs. Usama bin Laden, et al.) in 2001 and wrote the expert’s report in a landmark matrimonial case involving international terrorism after the 2001 attack on the World Trade Center. He also worked as an expert in a case involving airport security issues.
Before September 11, 2001, the honorable Frank R. Wolf (R-VA), officially acknowledged Kushner’s support for a National Commission on Terrorism when he wrote: “I appreciate everything you did to help make the Commission a reality.†Kushner has counseled families impacted by the Pan Am 103 bombing, suicide bombings in Israel, terrorist attacks in Egypt, and civil litigation against foreign governments known to sponsor terrorism.
The terror attacks of September 11, 2001, saw Kushner testify on terrorism and safety in New York City’s public spaces before the City Council of New York. He was invited by 9/11 Commission to participate in a VIP-briefing before the release of its final report. He appeared as a terrorism expert before the DHS’s Homeland Security Advisory Council. He also evaluated equipment requests for countering terrorist events for DHS and FEMA.
Important publications throughout the world, including the New York Times, have called Kushner the “go-to-expert†for plain talk about the subject of terrorism. He’s often quoted in the print media, as well as in the worldwide wire services. His statement to The Associated Press on September 11, 2001, reverberated around the world: "When you think of the coordination this took, it's historic. When you think of the measures that will have to be put in place to ratchet up security in the United States, it's monumental. This opens up a new era in the history of terrorism."
From exposing terrorists on The O'Reilly Factor to explaining the meaning of high alert on the Oprah Winfrey Show to discussing airport security on Larry King Live, Kushner is seen on all the major cable and television networks. On the radio, he is a frequent guest of the "Heavy Hundred," Talkers Magazine's most important radio talk show hosts.
Kushner's work on terrorism has been recognized by The Christophers. Father James Keller, the Maryknoll priest who founded The Christophers, believed that every individual has the power and responsibility to change the world for the better. In their best-selling book on thoughts for daily living, Three Minutes a Day, The Christophers explain how Kushner's approach to his work shows people how to “find a balance between useless worry and prudence; between acknowledgement of evil and appreciation of beauty.â€
The author of numerous articles and five books on terrorism, Kushner’s latest work is Holy War on the Home Front: The Secret Islamic Terror Network in the United States. Law enforcement agencies across the country and throughout the world have used Kushner's analysis in Holy War on the connection between drugs and terrorism to guide their own investigations of the problem. The Metropolitan Police Service of the United Kingdom cites Kushner's analysis in Holy War in their training module for law enforcement officers and airline security personnel.
His best-selling Encyclopedia of Terrorism is considered the gold-standard of terrorism reference works, and has won numerous awards from such organizations as the American Library Association and the Library Journal. As one reviewer of the Encyclopedia of Terrorism wrote, "It is for good reason that the encyclopedia won the most prestigious awards for reference works straight in a row." Kushner also edits issues on terrorism for the American Behavioral Scientist and serves on the journal's prestigious editorial board as well as the boards of a number of other journals both here and abroad.
The highly respected terror analyst Dr. Walid Phares states: "Professor Harvey Kushner's research is a benchmark in the study of the ongoing war on terror. His academic excellence and his thorough analysis of the Jihadist ideology, strategies and tactics are a necessary component of the national effort to understand the threat and find the appropriate response on several levels of engagement. A special effort is required in America's classrooms and court rooms to enhance the understanding of the real root causes of terror. Professor Kushner is one of the pioneers in this crucial field."
As a member of the working press, Kushner writes a column about aviation security for the Airport Press and serves as the paper's associate editor. He writes for a number of publications including Human Events, World Net Daily, and Accuracy in Media. Kushner also serves as a contributing editor for Family Security Matters.
Kushner has worked as a contributor and guest host for FOX News and MSNBC, as well as hosted a call-in talk show on the most-listened-to talk radio station in the country, WABC radio in New York. For many years, the Dr. Harvey Kushner Show was a fixture on WGBB, Long Island's first radio station and one of the oldest in the country.
Some of Dr. Kushner's many awards and honors include New York University's Founders Day Award for outstanding scholarship and a Dow Visiting Scholar at Saginaw Valley State University in Michigan.
Dr. Kushner’s distinguished career as a college administrator and professor spans nearly four decades. He currently chairs a large university's department of criminal justice. He holds a BA in political science from Queens College of the City University of New York, and the MA and PhD degrees in political science from New York University.